Privacy is one of Zapp's core values. We take this matter very seriously and abide by the following policies:
No Spam policy
Zapp has a zero-tolerance spam policy. Zapp does not practice or tolerate spam in any shape or form.
In the unlikely event that you receive any message from Zapp or sent using Zapp, please
click here and know how to proceed.
Data Collection
Information gathered from our visitors is used for website statistics only: IP (Internet Protocol) address, browser types, operating systems, date/time visited, referring website (to and from this website), length of stay, etc. We do not sell, trade, or otherwise transfer your personally identifiable information to outside parties.
Cookie policy
This is the Cookie Policy of Zapp which applies to the Zapp System and the associated website (“Cookie Policy”).
This Cookie Policy describes the cookies we use and explains why we use cookies and how we deal with the information collected. It also explains how cookies enable the Zapp System to function properly and why you may not be able to experience the full functionality of the Zapp System if you disable the use of cookies.
We use cookies to enhance your experience of Zapp and to better understand how people use the Zapp System. By visiting the Zapp System without changing your settings, we’ll assume that you are happy to receive all cookies, but you can change your cookies settings at any time by following the instructions below in paragraph
“3. What are your cookies options?”.
1. What are Cookies?
Cookies are small, usually randomly encoded, text files that are designed to store basic information (such as visitor preferences). A cookie file is created by the Zapp System browsing and is transmitted and processed by the Web browser software of your computer (or such other device as you use to access the Zapp System including, without limitation, mobile devices and tablets). The resulting file is stored in your Web browser’s installation directory or subfolder (cache). Your Web browser accesses this file when you visit the Zapp System that originally created the cookie.
Cookies might be used for the following purposes:
- To recognize your computer when you visit the system
- To enable certain functions, improving the system’s usability
- To store your preferences, allowing personalization according your user and/or profile in the system
- To track you as you navigate the system, and to enable the use of some facilities according your profile in the system
- To analyze the use of the system for administration purposes
2. Types of Cookies
There are two types of cookies that may be used during your visit to the Zapp System:
(a) Session cookies, which are used to identify a particular visit to Zapp System, identifying you during a single browsing session, such as when you log into our Zapp System. These cookies are stored only temporarily during a browsing session and are deleted from your device when the browser is closed;
(b) Persistent cookies, which are saved on your computer for a fixed period (usually one year or more) and are not deleted when the browser is closed. These help us remember you as a unique user each time you use the same computer to visit the Zapp System. For example, we would use a persistent cookie if you asked that we keep you signed in.
3. What are your cookies options?
If you don't like the idea of cookies or certain types of cookies, you can change your browser's settings to delete cookies that have already been set and to not accept new cookies. To learn more about how to do this, visit the help pages of your browser.
Please note, however, that if you delete cookies or do not accept them, you might not be able to use all of the features we offer, you may not be able to store your preferences, and some of our pages might not display properly.
4. Where can I find more information about cookies?
You can learn more about cookies by visiting the following third-party websites: Browser Guide
All About
Network Advertising Initiative
Third party links
Occasionally, at our discretion, we may include or offer third party products or services on our website. These third party websites have separate and independent privacy policies. We therefore have no responsibility or liability for the content and activities of these websites. Nonetheless, we seek to protect the integrity of our website and welcome any feedback about these external websites.
We do not sell products or services to children. If you are under 18, you may use this website only with involvement of a parent or guardian.
Changes to this Privacy policy
We may amend this Privacy policy at any time by publishing a new version on this website.
Contact us
For more information or any questions you may have regarding the above privacy statement,
please contact us.